Download Advanced IP Scanner

Download Advanced IP Scanner

Advanced IP Scanner 2.5 is a fast and powerful network scanner, with a user-friendly 

interface. In a few seconds, Advanced IP Scanner locates all computers on your
network (wired or wireless) and scans their ports. The program provides easy access
to various network resources such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and shared folders. It detects
all IP addresses on your Wi-Fi network. The remote shutdown feature allows you to shut 
down any computer or group of computers on Windows. You can also wake up these machines
remotely with Advanced IP Scanner if their network cards support the Wake-On-LAN
feature. Features have been added to Advanced IP Scanner 2.5 to simplify the task 
of system administrators on local networks: it is possible to scan RDP resources and
access them directly from the program, and to ping, tracert , telnet and SSH on a selected 
computer. Advanced IP Scanner 2.5 and Radmin remote control software are tightly 
integrated. IP Scanner allows you to scan your network and detects all computers 
running Radmin Server and then connects to any one of them with one click. The free 
Radmin Viewer software must be installed on your computer for you to access a remote 
machine running Radmin Server. Radmin allows you to access a remote computer in Full 
Control, File Transfer or Telnet mode. For simpler batch operations on a subset of
computers, you can add machines to a Favorites list. Advanced IP Scanner then 
automatically loads the list at startup. You can choose to scan the entire network
or only the computers on the Favorites list. You can also save your favorites 

list for analysis or other purposes

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